What is Binh Buu? Specific Instructions on How to Play

Thứ sáu - 06/09/2024 22:41
What is Binh Buu? Follow BET88 to decode all the secrets of Binh Buu as well as specific ways to play, helping you master every game.
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Binh Buu card game is a relatively new game in the world of card games for rewards. However, it has a unique appeal that makes every bettor unable to resist. Today, let's explore this unique game with this strange yet familiar gameplay with BET88!

What is the concept of Binh Buu card game?

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Binh Buu, also known as 4-card Binh, is a popular folk card game in Vietnam, attracting players with its simple rules, short game time and high entertainment value. The unique feature of Binh Buu lies in the harmonious combination of luck and card arrangement skills, creating a unique appeal for this game.

Like Mau Binh, Binh Buu uses a traditional 52-card deck. However, the main difference lies in the simplification of the rules. Binh Buu only uses 2 hands instead of 3 hands like Mau Binh. This helps shorten the playing time and makes it easier for beginners. When participating, each player is dealt 4 cards and divided into 2 hands: big hand and small hand. Then, you will compare your hand points with the dealer to determine the winner or loser. 

Each hand is worth the sum of the card values. Cards from 2 to 10 have points corresponding to their numerical value. J, Q, K are each worth 10 points, and Ace (A) is worth 11 points. The higher hand must have a higher score than the lower hand.

The player wins if the total of the two cards is higher than the dealer's. In case of a tie, the dealer wins.

With easy-to-understand rules, short game time and high entertainment, Binh Buu is the perfect choice for those who love intellectual card games but do not have much free time. Moreover, this unique game is also rare and hard to find at bookmakers on the market. Therefore, the payout rate of Binh Buu is extremely high. However, if you want to try your hand at online Binh Buu games, do not worry because BET88 is always ready to welcome you, along with extremely attractive new member gifts.

Not everyone knows how to play Binh Buu properly

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As introduced above, the game Binh Buu uses a familiar deck of 52 Western cards. The cards are ranked from high to low as follows: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The card suits are also ranked in order: Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds.

When participating, each player needs to arrange the cards into two hands: a big hand and a small hand. The basic rule is that the value of the small hand must be smaller than the big hand. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the player's cards being considered a hole and leading to an immediate loss of the game.

Arrange the cards in Binh Buu

In particular, to play Binh Buu correctly, you need to learn the ranking system of important cards. Specifically as follows:

  • Toi Trang: This is the highest and strongest level in Binh Buu. It includes cases such as straight flush (dragon straight), four of a kind, flush, straight and three of a kind. When a player reaches Toi Trang, they win immediately.

Besides Toi Trang, there are other ranking levels such as Buu, Cong Lon, Cong Nho and Diem. 

  • Three of a Kind: Occurs when there are two cards of the same value and suit (diamonds and hearts). 

  • Big Hand: Is the case of two cards of the same value and suit (clubs and spades). 

  • Small Hit: Occurs when there is an Ace and a 9 of the same suit. 

  • Points: Calculated based on the value of the cards in the game.

 Compare cards and determine winner or loser

Players compare their cards with the dealer's, big hands compare with big hands and small hands compare with small hands.

  • The larger hand with a higher value than the smaller hand wins.

  • If two hands are of equal value, compare each card in order from highest to lowest. The card with the higher value wins.

  • White to win: White to win regardless of big or small hand.

End of game and award

In the end, the player who wins more hands will be the overall winner and receive the corresponding reward.

Detailed steps to play Binh Buu at BET88

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Are you ready to embark on unique Binh Buu games and become the winning leader? Then refer to the Binh Buu playing process at BET88:

Step 1: Log in to your BET88 betting account

To enter the world of Binh Buu card entertainment at BET88, you need to visit the official website of the bookmaker and log in to your pre-registered account. If you do not have an account, quickly register to experience the most diverse and attractive betting game store on the market in 2024!

Step 2: Access the Card Game lobby

On the link vào BET88 homepage interface, you move to the "Card Game" lobby and select the "Binh Buu Card" section. 

Step 3: Choose a suitable Binh Buu card game room

BET88 offers many Binh Buu card rooms with different betting levels, from low to high. Carefully consider your capital and ability to choose the right room.

Step 4: Place a bet and join the Binh Buu game

Before starting the game, you need to bet chips according to the desired amount. After enough players, the system will deal 4 cards to each player, divided into 2 big and small hands.

Step 5: BET88 bookmaker announces the results

The dealer compares the card values ​​and announces the final winner. 

Binh Buu card playing tips to help you stir up the house

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Below are the secrets compiled from bettors who have fought for many years in the field of online Binh Buu cards, guaranteed to help you break through in each game:

Apply martingale strategy

Martingale is a strategy trusted by many Binh Buu card game masters because of its high efficiency. This strategy is simply to choose a betting door (Banker or Player) and continuously bet on that door with the bet amount in the next round being double the previous round.

However, to successfully apply this tactic, you need to have enough patience to pursue the strategy until you win. At the same time, you also need a certain amount of capital to bait in the early stages.

Set personal limits

Unlike other betting games, online Binh Buu takes place at a dizzying speed, only 5 to 10 seconds per game. The fast pace makes it easy for many players to get carried away, betting continuously without control, leading to heavy losses.

Therefore, set clear limits for yourself on deposit amount, number of bets and playing time. When you reach the limit, pause playing and come back at another time. Reasonable financial management will help you protect yourself from potential risks.

Start with low to high bets

For those who are new to the world of online Binh Buu, start with small bets. This helps you get familiar with the rules of the game, betting operations and practice strategies effectively. Once you are confident, you can gradually increase the bet level and try your hand at higher-class casinos.

Master the rules and terminology of Binh Buu Card Game

Before participating in any battle, you need to equip yourself with full knowledge of the rules and terminology of Binh Buu. Mastering the rules will help you understand how the game works, come up with appropriate strategies and avoid making basic mistakes.

Practice Regularly - The Key to Winning Every Game

To master any game, you need to practice regularly. Binh Buu online is no exception. Spend time practicing regularly to improve your skills, practice tactics and get used to the pace of the game. This will help you increase your winnings significantly!


Binh Buu is not only an entertaining game but also an opportunity for you to earn money and assert yourself. Apply the tips shared in this article, combined with your own skills to become a master of Binh Buu BET88 in the near future!

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